Translation progress
We've received positive feedback with the preliminary checks that the consultant has already done. Seems everything is on the right track here!
Wonderful visitors
Yesterday (monday), the helicopter brought in some special guests, Drew and Bobbi Scholl, along with their 3 children, as well as Drew's brother Matt, who will be visiting with us until Thursday. They live and work in town and have been looking for the chance to visit a real bush location for a while. It doesn't get any bushier than this! We've been enjoying good times of sharing and fellowship together as we get to know their family. We've also been doing some hiking and visiting with some of the folks in Mibu. It's been a real blessing to have them here. We already know we're going to miss having them after Thursday!
Prayer for the believers in Mibu
Please don't forget to be in prayer for the believers here in Mibu. With no new bible teaching happening right now and not enough manpower present to keep discipleship and training moving forward it can be a challenge for these young believers, with a lot of teaching left to hear, to remain encouraged. It's times like this that you see God working in ways that really are phenomenal. With no new teaching happening and no certainty about what is to come and when, their love for God and his word is showing as they seem to keep finding ways to hold it together under God's love for them! Please continue to be in prayer for this growing process for them!
Maybe you can help!
Call it writer's block. Call it whatever. But we're having a hard time lately with the ole creative juices. We know that there are many questions and/or many things that you would love to know more about regarding Mibu Ministry. So maybe you can help us get the juices flowing and tell us what, if anything, you may be interested to hear more about. Questions about the church? The people? Tribal church planting ministry? Questions about life and work here? This is a great time for us to make sure we're not overlooking something that YOU would love to hear about. And while we can't promise that every request will be handled specifically, the whole process can be very helpful for us to know what you might be most encouraged to hear about. Drop us a line!