Monday, August 12, 2024

Teaching Scripture as It Was Written - Our Approach in Mibu

Why We Prioritize Expository Teaching in Mibu

Did you know that in Mibu, we prioritize expository teaching over topical teaching? If you're unfamiliar with the terms, expository teaching involves systematically teaching through a book of the Bible, staying true to its themes and messages. In contrast, topical teaching focuses on specific subjects or issues, selecting passages that address those topics. While both methods have their place, we believe that teaching through entire books of the Bible is essential for understanding the author's original intent.

The Pitfalls of Overly Topical Teaching

Focusing too much on topical matters can cause us to lose sight of the bigger picture. I remember when I first learned to use my Bible, I was taught to look up topics I was interested in, using references that pointed me to relevant passages. Over time, I memorized key verses related to those topics. While this approach isn't inherently wrong, it became the only way I interacted with Scripture. I began to see the Bible as a disjointed encyclopedia of life's mysteries and problems rather than a cohesive narrative revealing God's character and purposes.

This topical approach made my Bible reading more about me. As I matured in my faith and began reading entire texts, I realized how often I had misunderstood my favorite "proof" texts because I had learned them in isolation, divorced from their larger context. When we focus too heavily on topical teaching, it's easy to see only what we want to see in the text, rather than what God is truly communicating.

The Benefits of Expository Teaching

By prioritizing expository teaching—studying the Bible the way it was written, whether in narratives, poetry, or letters—we place ourselves in a better position to understand the author's intended meaning. This approach helps us avoid the temptation to read our own desires into the text. After all, Scripture often reveals truths that challenge us, rather than just confirming what we hope to find.

When developing our church planting strategy in Mibu, we realized that expository teaching should be our primary method, with topical teaching serving as a supplement when needed. This approach ensures that the believers in Mibu have a strong understanding of the Bible. Instead of seeing Scripture as a collection of topics to study, they see it as a series of cohesive narratives and letters that are profoundly practical and reveal a great deal about who God is.

As we continue to see the church in Mibu thrive and grow in their understanding of God's Word, we are incredibly grateful for the generous support from those who have partnered with us. Your contributions are vital in allowing us to carry out this ministry, ensuring that the Mibu people have access to the transformative power of Scripture.

For those who feel led to join us in this work, whether through a one-time gift or ongoing support, your partnership would mean so much. If you're reading this in an email, see the "Donate Now" button at the top. If you're seeing this on our blog, there's a donation link on the right! Your regular monthly contributions help us continue to teach, translate, and provide more and more of God's word in Mibu. If you are already a partner, thank you for your faithful support – It's made such an impact!






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