Thursday, September 5, 2024

Update on Some Current Needs

I wanted to quickly update you on a few specific needs for Mibu Ministry.


Upcoming Trip to Mibu


I'm planning to head back to Mibu soon but still need an additional $1,500 to make it happen. Additionally, there's a fuel shortage in PNG, which is another hurdle we need prayers for. With the current fuel shortage flights into bush locations are severely limited. So I'm waiting for a change there before making solid plans.


New Internet Systems


When I go back, I'd love to bring at least one, possibly two, new, smaller internet systems. Each system costs around $600-$650, including the active internet plan.

Office Space


My current workspace at home isn't ideal. I've found an office space nearby in Mesa that I can rent for $300/month. Having a dedicated workspace away from the house would be super helpful. Would anyone be interested in sponsoring this?


Monthly Support


Our regular monthly support is down to 57% of what's recommended. This shortfall has led us to spend more time on other income-generating activities, which is unsustainable for full-time ministry. We're making a push to bring our support levels back up so I can focus on translation and lesson development.


Social Media Campaign


You may have seen on social media (Instagram: @geoffhusa, Facebook: Geoff Husa) that I've been sharing the amazing story of what God has done in Mibu! We need more people to join us in seeing this ministry through. If you see my posts, please do more than just 'like' them—leave a comment, ask a question, or share it! Those actions help increase visibility on the platform, which in turn helps grow our support base.


Thank you for your prayers and continued support!





Wednesday, August 28, 2024

An Overlooked Challenge of Missionary Life

When people think of missionary work, they often picture the profound moments—sharing the gospel in a remote village, translating Scripture into a new language, or witnessing a community come to Christ. Mibu Ministry certainly has a lot of cool God stuff to boast about! But there's another side to the story that often goes unspoken. Or maybe it's obvious, but goes unspoken because we don't have a good term for it? In my struggle to coin an appropriate term I had ChatGPT help me… are you ready… "Omni-Competence Overload," is what we'll call it. In the jungle of Papua New Guinea, where we lived and served among the Mibu people, I learned firsthand that being a missionary comes with much more than just ministry. It's also about constantly being pushed beyond my current range of practical skills well outside of those that would be considered ministry. And where we fail to master the skills (happens a lot) you end up with botched attempts at solving problems, or even worse problems than when you started. Whether it's building and repairing our home, troubleshooting tech issues, or managing fundraising efforts, all while going about the challenge of navigating complex cross-cultural dynamics, we find ourselves constantly outside of our comfort zones to keep things moving forward. While these experiences have made us resourceful, I believe they are one of several factors that contribute to the sense of burnout many missionaries face.


The Reality of Living in the Jungle


We replaced every wooden post on all 4 buildings multiple times! Termites and rot kept getting the upper hand till we eventually figured out a better solution!

Let me paint you a picture of what life in the jungle is really like. Imagine needing to plan and build your own house from scratch. I'm not an architect, nor do I aspire to be! Even with a couple teams who came to help us build, it required a lot that fell outside our typical skill set. Then picture maintaining that house where the jungle is working overtime to destroy it. Picture days spent figuring out how to fix a broken water system with whatever materials you can scavenge because there's no hardware store nearby. Or troubleshooting electrical problems, on both AC and DC sides of the system. If something breaks, you learn to jerry-rig it. I can't tell you how many pieces of pipe I've heated up to stretch and bend to make work when I needed to fix something but didn't have a hardware store! But you quickly find that these makeshift solutions rarely hold up in the long run. Though on occasion some actually hold up surprisingly well! I still have two rain gutters in Mibu being held up by nylon webbing after more than 10 years—nails just couldn't cut it in the harsh jungle conditions! It's a humorous example, but one that speaks to what I'm getting at. Or this one may be stupid and small, but planning logistics for getting our food and supplies, helicopter flights, and other travel, and the constant changes was so time consuming!

Our house in the jungle. You build in a clearing to be sure to get plenty of sunlight.


The Challenge Beyond the Jungle


But this isn't just about the jungle. Even after moving out of Mibu, this "Omni-Competence Overload" persists. For instance, as we work on improving our fundraising efforts from Arizona, I find myself learning new skills—like using Canva, managing social media, and understanding email marketing. These are things I never imagined I'd need to know as a missionary, but here I am, spending hours trying to master them (and totally failing) because it's necessary to keep our ministry going. I've spent more than four hours (now 5.5 hours) just working on this blog post, trying to get the message just right. And if I'm being honest, I have my doubts whether this is even a worthwhile post, but am going to just hit 'post' anyway just because I've now invested the time and I'm tired of thinking about it… haha! I can't tell you how many half-written posts I have that I ended up abandoning because it's too much time or just seems futile.


While I generally enjoy tackling challenges, this constant need to put so much time in everything else can be defeating. I know it really takes the wind out of my sails. The time spent learning and doing all these non-ministry tasks often means that the ministry itself progresses more slowly. And though I've tried to prioritize, those deferred tasks inevitably catch up, creating a hard balance between focusing on the ministry and managing everything else.


The Broader Implication


What we're calling omni-competence overload isn't unique to missionaries. Whether you're in ministry specifically, or have a W2, or whether you're working overseas or in your hometown, you've probably felt this in some form. Perhaps you've had to become the go-to person for everything in your job or home life, juggling more roles than you'd like. I've learned too that often this can be a result of an unhealthy inability to delegate, and/or a prideful view of oneself as the best one to get things done. I know I have some of that going on that I've been challenged about. But I've also found that delegating with many of these tasks takes financial resources. The truth is, finances often solve some of these problems by giving us the freedom to bring in people better suited for specific tasks. I would love to hire someone to manage all our blog and social media, for example. For now I just try to minimize those tasks outside of ministry and get help where I can. (Anyone but me please write updates for us!… haha)


Perhaps Omni-Competence Overload is something you've never considered before, or maybe it seems obvious in hindsight. Either way, it's a reminder of the hidden challenges that missionaries—and many others—face behind the scenes. As you continue to pray for and support missionaries, consider how this burden impacts their ability to focus on the core work of ministry. By growing in your understanding of these pressures, you can better support and encourage the missionaries you know, helping them carry out the vital work they've been called to do.


I don't bring this factor up as a complaint. I see it simply as a challenge in ministry. I do actually enjoy solving a good problem. That may be part of my problem actually! I get it from my dad! I write about it here partly to process and put my thoughts about it into writing, but also because it may be a slightly unusual and transparent topic for a missionary to write about and thus, just maybe, it's a little bit interesting to read about.

Skyler started early with her refrigeration technician skills



Thank you!


We are profoundly grateful for the unwavering support we've received over the years—through prayer, encouragement, and financial giving. You have played a vital role in sustaining this ministry, and we couldn't have made it this far without you. As we continue this journey, we find ourselves in a season where our monthly support is just 57% of what's needed. If you feel led to partner with us financially or increase your current support, your help would make a significant impact as we work toward completing the translation in Mibu. Thank you for standing with us as we press on, by God's grace, through all the challenges and victories that come our way.


I spent lots of time confounded in this area. It's where most of our water issues, water heating, and washing machine issues happened
An example of a jerry-rigged bracket for my bandsaw. It didn't last long as you would expect with brass pieces in the mix
Installing this beast and pointing correctly was a task. Even to this day this thing can be a pain for us, but it is the only way we get internet in Mibu. Hoping to change that soon with a much simpler Starlink system



Figuring out how I can reconfigure things already in use such as DC converters and wifi routers to create a dry box (for storing things that didn't handle high humidity well)
We weren't always on our own to figure out problems. We were blessed a number of times to have teams come in to help with the bigger tasks!


Monday, August 12, 2024

Teaching Scripture as It Was Written - Our Approach in Mibu

Why We Prioritize Expository Teaching in Mibu

Did you know that in Mibu, we prioritize expository teaching over topical teaching? If you're unfamiliar with the terms, expository teaching involves systematically teaching through a book of the Bible, staying true to its themes and messages. In contrast, topical teaching focuses on specific subjects or issues, selecting passages that address those topics. While both methods have their place, we believe that teaching through entire books of the Bible is essential for understanding the author's original intent.

The Pitfalls of Overly Topical Teaching

Focusing too much on topical matters can cause us to lose sight of the bigger picture. I remember when I first learned to use my Bible, I was taught to look up topics I was interested in, using references that pointed me to relevant passages. Over time, I memorized key verses related to those topics. While this approach isn't inherently wrong, it became the only way I interacted with Scripture. I began to see the Bible as a disjointed encyclopedia of life's mysteries and problems rather than a cohesive narrative revealing God's character and purposes.

This topical approach made my Bible reading more about me. As I matured in my faith and began reading entire texts, I realized how often I had misunderstood my favorite "proof" texts because I had learned them in isolation, divorced from their larger context. When we focus too heavily on topical teaching, it's easy to see only what we want to see in the text, rather than what God is truly communicating.

The Benefits of Expository Teaching

By prioritizing expository teaching—studying the Bible the way it was written, whether in narratives, poetry, or letters—we place ourselves in a better position to understand the author's intended meaning. This approach helps us avoid the temptation to read our own desires into the text. After all, Scripture often reveals truths that challenge us, rather than just confirming what we hope to find.

When developing our church planting strategy in Mibu, we realized that expository teaching should be our primary method, with topical teaching serving as a supplement when needed. This approach ensures that the believers in Mibu have a strong understanding of the Bible. Instead of seeing Scripture as a collection of topics to study, they see it as a series of cohesive narratives and letters that are profoundly practical and reveal a great deal about who God is.

As we continue to see the church in Mibu thrive and grow in their understanding of God's Word, we are incredibly grateful for the generous support from those who have partnered with us. Your contributions are vital in allowing us to carry out this ministry, ensuring that the Mibu people have access to the transformative power of Scripture.

For those who feel led to join us in this work, whether through a one-time gift or ongoing support, your partnership would mean so much. If you're reading this in an email, see the "Donate Now" button at the top. If you're seeing this on our blog, there's a donation link on the right! Your regular monthly contributions help us continue to teach, translate, and provide more and more of God's word in Mibu. If you are already a partner, thank you for your faithful support – It's made such an impact!






Saturday, August 3, 2024

Get our latest prayer card!

We've recently updated our prayer card and would love to send you one! Simply use the link below to provide your name and address, and we'll take care of the rest. Or if you happen to see us on the regular, say at church, be sure to hit us up there and we'll get you one!


Why are prayer cards important?

Because we are bringing God's word to places that previously had no access, the Enemy wants to hinder us. So, we remind ourselves to pray! The spiritual battle is more real than ever, with many believers in Mibu now, where there were none before. Prayer is a privilege of participation in God's work, laboring for his kingdom, whether on the front lines or supporting from home. It's a way to unite as one body and bring our Christ shaped concerns and desires to our faithful Father.


Why use prayer cards?

The spiritual battle isn't confined to Mibu in Papua New Guinea; it extends to our everyday lives. We're often busy and distracted, and prayer can slip into the background. A prayer card helps keep the ministry in mind, whether it's on your fridge, as a bookmark, or anywhere you'll see it regularly.


Our prayer card also includes important information about how to contact us, learn more about Mibu Ministry, and contribute financially—a bit like a business card for missionaries!


If you'd like one of our new prayer cards, please let us know! Click the link below and fill out your name and mailing address. If you want more than one—for different locations or to share with others who are interested—just let us know how many you need.




Geoff and Shannon Husa


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Husa's Mibu Ministry Update


We're long overdue for a ministry update. This one will primarily focus on the latest with our family and ministry going forward. There are several reasons we've not written as much about ministry as we used to. Not living and working on the field makes it challenging to come up with interesting material. Additionally, ministry has been slow-moving for me. While there's plenty to do, we've increasingly needed to supplement our income with other work, making it difficult to fully engage in ministry tasks. We've been trying to build a business to fill the gap left by reduced support. However, while our business efforts have borne fruit, it's been slower than anticipated. We're now at a pivotal point where we must either lean back into fundraising to continue ministry or, gulp, step away from ministry altogether.


We've done a lot of soul-searching and prayer over the past year and had discussions with our co-workers and several of our supporters. We feel the Lord is still making it clear that the need in Mibu remains great and that continuing in ministry is the best way forward. There's still much translating that needs to be done, as well as lessons to develop and teach. While my body may be screaming at me to stop being in front of a computer, I am still compelled and find great joy in serving the church in Mibu through translation, lessons, and consulting with church leaders. The work there needs to be finished. It's a long-term task. If we hypothesize my being out of the picture, the idea of having someone else go through all the years and effort of living with the community, learning the language and culture, and getting up to speed to take over seems unlikely. Sure, God is capable of anything, but it's clear to us that God has uniquely prepared us to serve effectively in Mibu. As unworthy as we are of the task, it is indeed us that He put there! We feel that calling still, and we plan to do whatever is needed to be good stewards of the work He has given us.


For many years, generous supporters have freed us up to do this ministry full-time among our now brothers and sisters in Mibu. God has poured out His abundance of mercy and grace through those many gifts and prayers, and into all our efforts in Mibu! We're seeing the fruit of that in the strength of the church there. Recently, though, I've noticed how distracting it has become to work outside of ministry as much as I have been. Ministry has continued, but my mind is jumbled with so many other things, and the effort I do give isn't moving the needle forward as it should. I'd like to pare those efforts back and, instead of aggressively growing our business, just maintain what we've built for now so that more of my limited capacity can be devoted to ministry again.


Many people have been asking, so this is primarily to inform you of where our hearts are at. We're going to start back into "fundraising mode" in hopes that I can get moving again with translation and lessons. Right now, our average monthly support is at 57% of what is recommended. Even in this low-support era, we have seen how our gracious God has provided! The odd gift here and there, a recent burst of income from the business, finding the occasional piece of furniture to flip, or stumbling across a great deal on something we need but otherwise couldn't afford—God is good, and we have so much to be thankful for! It has become clear, though, that strategically, we should strive to get our regular monthly support back up so that I can prioritize my efforts on ministry.


So first and foremost, I'd like to ask you to be in prayer for this process as we try to increase our fundraising efforts and communication again. If you are looking for a place to designate resources to a church planting effort that is getting more and more of God's word translated into a language that has never had it, Mibu Ministry is still a great option! If that's you, please use the 'donate' button at the top of this email or if you're reading on the blog look for the 'Donate Here' link on the right hand side.





Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas from the Husas!

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all our friends, family and supporters! Can you believe we’re approaching the end of 2023 already! What a year it’s been! We are so grateful for your gifts of support to help us keep moving forward in our service to Mibu!

While ministry stuff has been a bit slow this year with my three surgeries and limited ability to work on the computer, that doesn’t mean the year has been boring! Shannon has been supplementing our income, working outside of the house part-time for a company that manages and files construction liens across the US. She is also busy taking care of the house and carting the kids around town. The kids’ schools and activities have kept us hopping! Skyler is a senior at Valley Christian High School. She’s been working every day after school for 2-3 hrs as an after school caregiver at Gethsemene Christian preschool. She recently had to quit to focus on school a bit more, but hopes to start working again after graduation. She’s raising funds to hopefully be able to go on a short term ministry trip to serve a group of aboriginal children in the outback of Australia over spring break. Madelyn is a sophomore at the same school and is shaping up to be our next driver (Lord help us with this insurance… and for safety on the road!). Abigail is in 8th grade, and is looking forward to going to Valley Christian High School next year too! She has been involved in gymnastics for the last 2 years but has recently decided she to take a break, which is probably for the best since she wants to play basketball and be in the band in high school. She enjoys being in the recorder ensemble at her current school and also loves playing piano. She has been preparing for an educational trip to Greece this Spring with her middle school. She’s worked very hard baking and selling her super popular cupcakes to raise the nearly $4,000 for this trip! Just a few hundred dollars left! Be sure to order yours if you’re local and would like some for a family gathering or party! You won’t regret it! Ethan is doing great in 5th grade this year! He also takes piano lessons from grandma and loves art. He and Abby are always playing, and singing, and doing art together! They’re both so goofy and creative together! We’re trying to figure out how to get him into some much needed braces soon. If anyone knows of any braces options that don’t cost $6,000 let us know! Who’d have thunk that some wire, glue and skill would cost that much! As for me, I’ve been able to maintain some level of ministry responsibility (as long as it doesn’t involve lots of typing on the computer… haha) as well as continuing to slowly grow our real estate investment business. All while doing physical therapy, and icing for what seems like forever. The elbow surgeries are very slow on the healing and recovery side.

We were gifted some money for me to be able to travel to PNG and into Mibu which I did for a few weeks back in October. It was a huge encouragement to see the church rooted so strongly in their faith as they have been navigating the pain of all the havoc that was wreaked by the terrorist gang over the last 2+ years. The church remains strong, though physically a bit tattered. I was able to get some wonderful time of fellowship with my brothers and sisters there, and get some practical ministry stuff done as well. We were also recently given some money for a new translation laptop for my translation helper in Mibu, which I’ve now purchased and am configuring appropriately. I’d like to be able to travel back to get Sesi set up and trained on the new operating system sometime in the Spring. We’ve already been given $1500 toward the total $4000 needed and are still looking for the Lord’s provision to be able to travel.

As far as the surgeries and other medical stuff is concerned… thanks to all who have prayed and given us grace to step back and focus more on repair and healing. Taking care of all this stuff this year was made possible by God’s very gracious provision through our church. Their deacons’ fund covered our out of pocket medical expenses! I’m shaping up to get back into more of my full-time ministry tasks mid to late January, assuming physical therapy goes well to help me recover from my last surgery on my left elbow! I'm looking forward to getting going again on some lesson development and translation for Mibu! Shannon also has some arthritis in her hip which she wasn’t able to resolve completely with physical therapy. We had hoped to get that fixed as it’s so limiting for her (she can’t even go with walks with me around the block 😢) but she does have some new exercises to help strengthen and lessen the pain.  

I get asked a lot about our real estate endeavors. I don’t talk about it as much as I should on social media (important for business credibility) because “Real Estate Investing” comes with certain assumptions that are not necessarily true. I had to hold back a chuckle when someone recently indicated their assumption that we must have and make a lot of money to be able to buy real estate. Our cash flow from real estate, while slowly growing, is fairly paltry right now. We’ve learned how to invest in real estate with little to no money out of pocket by collaborating with funding partners/investors. It’s a slow difficult business to grow. But will certainly be worth it in the long run! This year we were able to add 3 more properties to our portfolio! We’re trusting the Lord with our plans and hope to have the business be able to cash flow most of our ministry and life expenses in the next 5 years or so. We’re thanking the Lord for the investors he’s put in our lives that we’re able to collaborate with to see this dream become more of a reality. We continue to trust the Lord for our daily, monthly and yearly needs. He has always been faithful.

We appreciate all of you very much! We hope you have a blessed Christmas, and are encouraged and strengthened as you celebrate and reflect on the profound importance of the birth of Jesus!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

This is coming out late, I know. I’ve been picking at it over the last week since getting back from Mibu! And then my email system for posting to the blog isn't working all of a sudden.


I’m thanking the Lord for his mercy which got me the rest of the way home after my first international flight out of PNG was delayed causing me to miss all the rest of my itinerary, and having to overnight in Sydney, and rebook all the rest of my flights. After my knucklehead travel agent accomplished nothing for 30 hours, I finally just went back to the airport hoping and praying I could get on the next flight. The agent at Fiji Airways service desk was extremely gracious and helped me even though technically she didn’t have to, and the rest is history. So glad to be back with my family now after 2.5 weeks away.

You’re probably used to me posting more on social media, but I’ve had to be very careful of that because we assume the terrorist group sees those posts and we don’t want to give them information. It does make it more challenging to update though. Certainly not real time like we’re used to anymore. I have lots of pictures and video clips and feel like I can’t post them.

I get asked a lot how our brothers and sisters in Mibu are doing, and I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on my impressions after being in there. One thing that was very clear to me was that the church isn’t struggling in their faith, and I wasn’t there to try to fix anything (other than computer hardware that wasn’t cooperating… haha). But the church is strong in their faith as evidenced in how they talk about all the difficulties of the last couple years, and by the things they continue to prioritize in their lives. They prioritize looking to the Lord in all of it. They prioritize continuing to share the gospel, which they’ve done, with people who haven’t heard. They’ve even prioritized somehow getting the gospel message to these terrorists. The church in Mibu has served others in need even when being in need themselves. And listening to them talk about the struggles, there is still a hope and a joy there which only comes from the gospel. So I was super encouraged to be in there and interact with them and see the fruit of their faith!

It is interesting to hear how the gang has splintered into 3 or 4 groups who are now sometimes fighting and even killing each other! The terrorists haven’t been very active in their attacks on the communities and their threats against Mibu. So that’s good, for right now. But the reality that the church is having to grapple with is that while the terrorists seem to be in a lull right now, they never have been dealt with. All their evil ways of thinking and their motivations are still there. So whenever they feel like it they probably will start attacking again. The Mibu church and the community is trying to do what they can to be more ready for it, but that’s difficult to do out in the remote jungle.


The highlight of my trip was actually having plenty of time to just sit and listen to my friends as they talked about life the last couple years. Most of it revolved around the terrorist group and the extreme challenges they brought on the community. We talked about many other things too of course, but I just appreciated being able to sit and talk life together and catch up on things. People were fascinated to see my hearing aid implant and hear about how that works. They also enjoyed hearing about how our family is doing.

I was able to get done everything that I wanted to with some translation work, and re-training on some of the tools we use to work together virtually. I did notice the equipment is a bit ‘rusty’ and needing replacement so I’m making plans that way as well. I’m thankful for a recent gift specifically for replacing the computer that Sesi and others use to work with me. The current computer, an old Dell is on it’s last leg and I’d like to try a macbook this time to see if we get more trouble free usage from it over the long term. It was comical seeing how we were having to jerry-rig his computer to try to get a workable system going again.


I’m hoping that I can return to Mibu again in 6 months or so, so I can take the new computer and get it set up and working with our system and with the software needed. And being a different kind of computer, with different operating system, Sesi will need some more training on that as well.


One thing that I’ve come to realize is that I likely will need sponsors for future trips. Finances aren’t what they used to be and it’s just not been possible to save what is needed for travel to Mibu. We’re so thankful for the generous gift that allowed me to make this last trip. I need to raise about $4,000-$4,400 specifically for the next one. And I’m hoping one of these days I can go back with the whole family to give the kids especially a bit more closure after leaving the place and country they grew up in. I can discern the need there as I talk with the family about my time back there myself.